• Delivery time: 1 day per page
  • Language: English, Yiddish, Lashon Hakodesh, and Hebrew.
  • Revisions: 3 free revision
Sold By: Yerushalayim
Total Sales: 0

תרגום מקצועי לכל מיני מסמכים מלשון הקודש – עברית לאידיש או אנגלית
תרגום מקצועי לכל מיני מסמכים ללשון הקודש – עברית מאידיש או אנגלית
Professional Translation from or to English
פראפעסיאנאל איבערגעטייטש פון אידיש, ענגליש, לשון הקודש, און עברית

Payment Process

To calculate the payment, we consider the total number of characters in the final translated language. You will be required to pay a $50 deposit upfront, which will be subtracted from the final payment upon completion of the job.

For an approximate cost estimate of your project, please upload your document  here to determine its character count.

$20.00 Per 1,000 characters (of final language)

"Feel free to share any additional informal details or specific instructions you'd like the writer to know. You'll also have the opportunity to communicate with the writer further through the messaging feature in your account after placing your order."
Grand total

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